Player’s profile page sample

– June 8th, 2017 –

With the free Preview in April we anticipated the look of the player’s profile pages in our upcoming draft guide, but as we move (not fast enough!) closer to the release it’s time to provide a little update on that.

What follows is the enhanced final version that will be available for each of the top 60 prospects, to form the core of the publication.

For every player that earned his dedicated page, along with his profile and in-Europe final ranking you will get (all in one place):

  • a season rankings table to see how the player has been trending throughout his draft season
  • our overall ranking assessment and draft day expectations
  • info on the amount of viewings
  • a small NHL projection sector
  • the ratings we think he deserves in seven categories that we consider relevant when projecting a prospect’s future success. Each category is comprehensive of different elements that go into it and is defined inside the guide
  • the player’s stats from the last two seasons, including a comparative (in-league) rank and time on ice whenever available